Here is a place for me to post my musings on things I have read, research I have done and photos I have taken. Hopefully by keeping this log I will improve and have a permanent record of my findings. It may even help others along the way, who knows?......................................................................................................................

Friday, 25 March 2011

The Genius of Photography - Episode 2

I am home with my daughter at the moment as she is off school sick so I have made the most of the opportunity and watched another episode while she sleeps.

This episode was entitled documents for artists and the write up is as follows:
"By the end of World War One photography had become the central medium of the age. Photographers began to turn their lenses to the plight of rural victims of the American Depression and minority communities. Alexander Rodchenko and August Sander found their artistic skills put to another use by the state – as propaganda. Documents for Artists focuses on the first few decades after World War One when the potential of photography attracted the attention of artists and governments alike."

Documents for Artists examines in detail the work of some of most influential modern photographers: Alexander Rodchenko, August Sander, Man Ray, Eugene Atget, Walker Evans and Bill Brandt.  It also discusses the precise, objective, rational and apparently machine-like photography that took place during this period.

I found the episode very interesting to watch and yet again I now feel I want to look a little further into the work of some of the mentioned artists.

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