Here is a place for me to post my musings on things I have read, research I have done and photos I have taken. Hopefully by keeping this log I will improve and have a permanent record of my findings. It may even help others along the way, who knows?......................................................................................................................

Thursday, 24 March 2011

The Genius of Photography - Episode 1

Until I can get to the library to get a few books to read, I thought I would watch this BBC series that viewed in 2007, I cannot remember seeing it the first time round, but thought that it sounded like an interesting series that I may benefit from seeing. 

The first episode was entitled "Fixing the Shadows" and covered the history of photography from Ancient Rome to The Great War (1914), although I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, I did find it skipped backwards and forwards a little. It highlighted the challenge facing the photography pioneers, was not in fact how to capture an image, but how to stop it from over-developing, or to “fix the shadows”. I found the types of photos very interesting, I had come across the term daguerreotype processing previously as another of my hobbies is family history and when searching for photographs of relatives from that period of time this came up. It was nice though to learn more about it :-)

I now have a couple of photographers that I really like their style of work and want to look into a bit more, namely André Kertész and Jacques Henri Lartigue, once I have finished watching this series that is!

Over the past few years, I have had  a tendency to flit between things when I find something that interests me, which although good to broaden my knowledge, it does mean that it can take me longer to get the simple things done. I have decided that I will try and change this for this course. I know I am able to do it as when I did my first degree many years ago, I was very focused, it is only now that I have found subjects that I am "really" interested in that I find myself wondering off in tangents to learn more.

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