Here is a place for me to post my musings on things I have read, research I have done and photos I have taken. Hopefully by keeping this log I will improve and have a permanent record of my findings. It may even help others along the way, who knows?......................................................................................................................

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Contemplating a new course

Well both my previous endeavors at writing a blog have failed, so I am hoping that this one does not suffer the same fate (hitting the big delete button!). As this one is for a learning log I think it might actually stand a chance.

I have been contemplating doing the OCA Photography degree course for several months now. I completed the Open University course T189 in May 2010 (doing really well), which I thoroughly enjoyed, I just found it too short and it has left me wanting to learn more.  I needed to find a course that was challenging and interesting, something that would take me out of my comfort zone again and get me out there with my camera. I am currently doing a 365 Project (my second year), in which I take a photo a day. I know that my photography has improved since doing this, but I know there is just so much more to learn, hence looking at this course.

I am hoping to start the course at the start of July 2011, after I move house, and closer to the end of my 365 (which I do not want to give up on). I'm quite nervous but also really looking forward to it, I just hope I will not be "biting off more than I can chew"when I have two young kids and work full time in a pretty stressful job :-o

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