Here is a place for me to post my musings on things I have read, research I have done and photos I have taken. Hopefully by keeping this log I will improve and have a permanent record of my findings. It may even help others along the way, who knows?......................................................................................................................

Monday, 18 April 2011

A bit of light reading

I decided to go to the library and pick up a few landscape photography books to read at the end of March, so glad I did as on 2nd April I managed to sustain a bi-malleolar fracture to my left ankle (ouch to say the least!!!).

While in hospital I started reading The Photographer's Guide to Landscapes by John Freeman which I really enjoyed and would recommend to any beginner or intermediate photographer interested in landscape photography.

This is the third volume in John Freeman's photographic series which gives advice on capturing the beauty of the world. It provides information on an exhaustive range of topics, including guidance on creating interesting foregrounds, modifying backgrounds, developing panoramas, framing, working with multiple images, and utilizing black and white as an alternative to color. Over 200 images offer perspective on capturing specific types of landscapes, from skies and deserts to waterways and urban landscapes. For me I found the advice on equipment: filters, lenses and film really interesting; technique: exposure, shutter usage; and editing: cropping and retouching. 

The book raised a point to check out on my camera : how to set the white balance to a set figure (John mentions 5,200k for sunsets), can I do this?

Further techniques mentioned that I want to look into:
1. Creating multiple images
2. Building panoramas
3. Digital composites
4. Using filters (get some ND filters and a polorizer for my wider angled lens)
5. Infrared - I have a contact on Flickr who I have admired for a while, he does quite a few shots using this style.
6. Re-touching
7. Digital toning
8. Abstracts

Eek, I there is so much I want to learn............

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