Here is a place for me to post my musings on things I have read, research I have done and photos I have taken. Hopefully by keeping this log I will improve and have a permanent record of my findings. It may even help others along the way, who knows?......................................................................................................................

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Change of plans and going forward.....

I have today made the decision that I will not do the degree course I planned, with my kids being quite young, having a full time job and renovating a house, I think I may be taking off more than I can chew. Also, I feel I have so much information available to me to teach myself both online and from books that for now that will do and I will see how I get on. Maybe tomorrow I will change my mind, but for now....................

It has been a long time since my last post,so here is a little catch up on what has been going on for me. My ankle is still quite an issue and after 5 months I still do not have full movement, the pain is now only occasional though (so at least that has improved!).

As a family we moved house to a wonderful estate that has quite a village and community feel about it, , two month in and what was going to be a shortish term move (5 years) looks like it could be a lot longer :-)

I have now finished my second 365 project, which I am so pleased about. I feel I have come a long way since 2009 when I decided to embark on my first one, but the time constraints of the 365 meant that I took a lot of photos (my Mac hard drive is testament to this, especially as I always shoot in RAW, I will explain why in my next post). Now I am just doing a dailyish photo, so the pressure is clearly off. I have just joined a group on Flickr to try and push myself a little, which gives weekly PUSHES, this involves challenges being set by other group members, we shall see how I get on. I am also fairly involved in another fantastic group on Flickr also, that gives daily themes (although I am not doing this every day), but I have found it does push me to think a little out of the box to come up with ideas for a shot. The one below was my shot yesterday for the theme of "Star", let me know what you think.

Aim for the stars by k4♥wea
Aim for the stars, a photo by k4♥wea on Flickr.
I also plan to look more on the assignments on the Digital Photography School website as again I feel this may enhance my skills further.

Until next time.....

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